Travel Tips and Advisory Before You Depart

Destination Details

Learn about your destination in relation to your health risks and identify potential medical hazards that may arise during your trip. Updated travel health advisory procedures on entry into your destination can be found here.

Travel Vaccination

Travel vaccines protect against a variety of diseases when travelling. Plan ahead and find out what vaccinations you’ll need before embarking on your journey. Some are required for entry into certain countries, and some may need to be taken a few weeks in advance. Also, conduct a review of your existing medical conditions. Consult a doctor through the Raffles Connect app to check which travel vaccine is suitable for you. If you know what you already need, simply book your vaccination appointment using the app!

Travel Kit

Prepare a travel kit with basic medication and first aid. Our travel kits are equipped with the necessary medications and dressings for minor ailments and injuries that may occur during your travel, and save you the hassle of packing your own medications. Each travel kit includes an information leaflet explaining the safe use of the medications and can be purchased over a teleconsultation or any Raffles Medical clinic.

Watch this video to see what are included in the kit!

Article reviewed by Raffles Medical Group.