Mental Health Podcast: Understanding Suicide

Raffles Podcast is a podcast series brought to you by Raffles Medical Group. In this series, our very own Raffles physicians will discuss various topics on mental health and well-being that may affect adolescents. They will also be sharing tips to empower parents and youths with knowledge and resources to combat the conditions.

Listen to Raffles Podcast Episode 6 here

Suicide is a topic that some people feel uncomfortable talking about but it is nonetheless an issue that should receive increased awareness. After all, according to the Samaritans of Singapore, there is an average of more than one suicide a day.

In our latest episode of Raffles Podcast, Dr Shimona Khoo, Family Physician, Raffles Medical, walks us through the topic of suicide, common causes and possible preventions.

Stay tuned for more episodes coming soon:

You can also listen to the previous episodes below:

Episode 1 on Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Episode 2 on Childhood Anxiety

Episode 3 on Bullying

Episode 4 on Understanding Psychosis

Episode 5 on Insomnia

Article reviewed by Raffles Medical Group.