Mental Health Podcast: Understanding Psychosis

Raffles Podcast is a podcast series brought to you by Raffles Medical Group. In this series, our very own Raffles physicians will discuss various topics on mental health and well-being that may affect adolescents. They will also be sharing tips to empower parents and youths with knowledge and resources to combat the conditions.

Listen to Raffles Podcast Episode 4 here

Psychosis is a complex condition that is not a diagnosis on its own, but a group of serious symptoms that are also a syndrome of mental disorder.

In episode 4, Dr Anita d/o Elangovan, Family Physician, Raffles Medical, will walk us through psychosis and touch on the tell-tale signs to look out for, possible causes of the condition, and how affected individuals can seek help.

Stay tuned for more episodes coming soon:

You can also listen to the previous episodes below:

Episode 1 on Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Episode 2 on Childhood Anxiety

Episode 3 on Bullying

Article reviewed by Raffles Medical Group.